Regis School
Read more to see how The Regis School scored A* with their new telephony solution
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About the regis school
The Regis School is a co-educational secondary school and sixth form located in Bognor Regis, West Sussex, England. It converted to academy status from LEA control in January 2012, under the sponsorship of United Learning. TRS is an open and inclusive comprehensive school that aims to achieve the best for every student. This philosophy is reflected in the successful Sixth Form of 160+ students who are offered a broad range of academic and vocational programs. Around 75% of TRS students progress to Higher Education each year. The school boasts superb facilities in all subject areas. Each teaching area has audio-video facilities and a range of ICT suites throughout the school provides access to specialist equipment. All teachers have a laptop provided, to support teaching and administration.
what was the problem?
The Regis School found support & maintaining their outdated ISDN on-premise found system challenging and were getting hit with additional charges whenever they needed. Effective and efficient communication between all work staff, students and parents is the foundation every good school. It is important to stay up to date with all technology and have the best system for your schools needs. The Regis school addressed that they needed an update regarding their phone system. They were using an onsite phone system that for their needs was taking up too much room in the school.
what was the solution?
After speaking to Intouch it was clear that the best solution would be upgrading their software to a Cloud Phone System. It was decided that 3CX’s cloud phone system would be the best option for the Regis School. It meant that they did not have to worry about server maintenance as the phone system is hosted by their provider. It also meant they had lower costs because hosting providers often only charge according to usage ultimately another benefit of using this system is that there is an easier set up process meaning less server-side technical knowledge is required.
And now?
Since initial contact with Intouch 16 months ago, The Regis School has continued to be very happy with the service they have been providing. They can have all the benefits of an onsite phone system but without any of the maintenance themselves which is one of the greatest qualities of a cloud-hosted phone system. They have also been able to save £3000 a year with us which has been very beneficial to them.